Called Material Design, it incorporates bold colors, flat elements, and
informative animations to create a fresh user interface for the modern age.

Getting Start Purchase Now

It’s Design Standard

This design introduces many element stardards and principles to follow and we can achieve good designed website if we/you follow it exactly.

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Smart Blocks

You can use predefined block layouts that save your time build your web site. It's simple and smart blocks.

Live Customizer

All theme options in wordpress customizer sections. You can change all options when you see live preview.

One click demo data

Predefined simple demo data included in theme. You can edit demo pages that's save your time.

Visual Composer

You can build contents with visual composer. It will very easy and very fun. Save your time.

Revolution Slider

Premium slider included in theme. It's very easy to create home slider and other sliders. Save your money.

One page

Page template for one page design incuded in theme. You can build landing page or one page web.

Important material design principles

Understand our design principles and patterns before you write a line of code. When you start coding, follow Glass patterns and style, when appropriate, to give users a consistent user experience.

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Material Design

Many design trends out there nowadays. But material design makes your site beautiful enough.

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Base Color Palette

Encourage consistency by repeating visual elements, structural grids, and spacing across platforms and screen sizes.

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Delightful Minimal Details

Theme comes with high quality design and powerful options that makes you happiness in a minutes.

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User Experienced Options

Provided you detailed documentation and life time free support to help our customers get started.

Team member

Amy Ortega

Founder / CEO

A passionate member of our team. He/she is the best people all around the world.

Team member

Joe Cox

Founder / Developer

A passionate member of our team. He/she is the best people all around the world.

Team member

Debra Hayes


A passionate member of our team. He/she is the best people all around the world.

Team member

Sean Bishop


A passionate member of our team. He/she is the best people all around the world.

Always give people more than they expect to get.

Predefined Blocks

Visual Composer Templates

No Coding Required

You can use 20+ prepared creative layout for your pages. Those all are separated and you can get with a mouse clicks.

Smart Components

Theme has 35 powerful elements and 8 material elements that helps you to create beautiful sites easily and delightful.

What is the

Google isn’t the only one that’s been applying Material Design ideas to its apps: plenty of third-party Android app makers have released refreshed and overhauled apps to match Google’s new platform. These apps often look and feel great, and they’re typically much more enjoyable to use than older Android apps thanks to their fun animations and delightful transitions.

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Where comes a
startup idea?

Intrinsicly maintain alternative alignments through business results. Efficiently leverage existing fully tested networks whereas economically sound imperatives.

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One Click Demo Data

Theme has dedicated data option. You should click one of those link and select your desired home page layout. Action will set few important tasks including selection of Home page, Main navigation setting and Sidebar widgets when you click on Import Demo Data button.

Above option helps you to include minimized demo content on your site reason for quick include. But you can have full demo data with regular XML data imports.


Demo Data Structure

  • – Home Pages
  • – Main Navigation & sidebar widgets
  • – Sliders Data

Demo Data Structure

  • – Home Pages
  • – Main Navigation & sidebar widgets
  • – Sliders Data

Extended grid systems

Visual Composer Columns supports vertical align and extended grid systems.

Get Materialize Premium Theme
